Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina

2 records for Etheostoma fusiforme in Perquimans County.

2502791PercidaeDeep Creek [off] of SR 1333 [Mill Road], [ca. 9.6 air miles SSW center Elizabeth City], [see remarks]Perquimans36.17556-76.294143686/30/1964NCWRC (Baker and Smith)NCSMTracy et al.
2504247PercidaeMill Creek, near entry to Perquimans River, [1.8] kilometers [NNE] Hertford, [ca. 20.9 kilometers NE center Edenton]Perquimans36.20361-76.456565866/19/1964DM Davis, M Bailey, E Mason, L. Gaskins and S226 studentsNCSMTracy et al.